CHIC technology (Competitive Heterologous Internal Control) is the internal amplification control system developed by Progenie Molecular that includes RealCycler kits..
This proprietary technology allows the use of any extraction system without loss of sensitivity, and at the same time it monitors accurately a possible sample inhibition. For this reason, RealCycler Monotest and RealCycler Universal kits are compatible with almost all DNA/RNA extraction systems available in the market, without making any changes to the original protocols provided by the manufacturer.
- CHIC signal is detected in the HEX channel (green line) with a Ct = 31,75
- CHIC acceptance range is Ct < 35. Therefore, in this case it is within the range.
- The pathogen signal in the FAM channel (blue line) is flat and does not show a Ct (not detected).
This sample does not show any inhibition, so the result is clearly NEGATIVE.
This kind of signal is observed when using water as negative control or samples with a complete absence of inhibition.
- CHIC signal is detected in the HEX channel (green line) with a Ct = 33,98.
- CHIC acceptance range is Ct < 35. Therefore, in this case it is within the range.
- The pathogen signal in the FAM channel (blue line) is flat and does not show a Ct (not detected).
The reaction is not inhibited given that CHIC is within the range, so the result of the sample is NEGATIVE.
CHIC Ct value is higher than in the previous case, indicating a partial PCR inhibition. However, given that it is inside the acceptance range, the result can be accepted.
- Pathogen signal is detected in the FAM channel (blue line) with a Ct = 30,78.
- The CHIC Ct value = 31,1 (green line). Given that there is a signal in the FAM channel for the pathogen, the CHIC value is indifferent.
Positive sample (blue line).
CHIC signal is detected in the HEX channel (green line) with a Ct = 31,4 (within the acceptance range). This indicates there has been no competition between CHIC and the pathogen, and suggests a low concentration of the pathogen.
-The pathogen signal is detected in the FAM channel (blue line) with a Ct = 27,68.
Positive sample (regardless of the CHIC value).
CHIC signal is detected in the HEX channel (green line) with a Ct = 36,38. Despite the Ct being outside the acceptance range, it does not mean inhibition but competition between the pathogen and CHIC. In this case, CHIC has been displaced because of the competitive disadvantage.
- The pathogen signal is detected in the FAM channel (blue line) with a Ct = 24,55.
Positive sample (regardless of the CHIC value).
CHIC signal is detected in the HEX channel (flat green line). It does not have Ct, which indicates that there has been competition between the pathogen and CHIC, and that CHIC could not be detected because of the competitive disadvantage. The result suggests a high concentration of the pathogen.
- CHIC signal detected in the HEX channel (green line) is flat and the pathogen signal also (blue line).
Invalid result.
This indicates a total inhibition of the amplification reaction and therefore the result is not acceptable.